If it ain’t broke, why fix it right?

Men: see the light and take control of your health now! Image by Pekka Nikrus.
Men are strong and independent. They can go on for years without a check up.
And often too late. Better Health Channel tells us:
For every 2 women that die, 3 men die. In all age groups up to 65. Many men don’t make it to retirement age.
They care more for the health of their loved ones than themselves.
They ignore depression and anxiety.
They are oblivious to their postnatal depression. Yes you read right. Men get postnatal depression.
Men don’t need help.
But when they get the manflu, do their women know about it?!
Even the most powerful engines need a regular tune up to stay in top condition. So they last longer.
So it is with our men.
Facts about men’s health: why it matters
- Did you know prostate cancer is the most common cancer for males?
- Have you heard that prostate cancer is the 2nd largest cause of male deaths in Australia?
- Did you know 1 in 8 Aussie men suffer from depression at any given moment?
And what would you say if you knew that Men in the West are some of the unhealthiest in Victoria?
Men’s health program
Sons of the West is a free health and wellbeing program to help guys get back on their game.
To keep running after their kids.
Be around for grandkids.
To slide into their dream set of wheels.
To stay strong. Well into their 70s and 80s.
Sons of the West is an initiative of the Western Bulldogs Football Club.
Sample sessions
- Match Day Experience: be part of AFL action
- Diabetes awareness and prevention
- Helping yourself and others to quit smoking
- Prostate cancer awareness
- EJ Whitten Legends Match Experience
- And meet members from the Bulldogs team (if you’re a fan!).
Keep going for longer
Last year, 1000 guys participated in this popular initiative to eat better, move more, and learn how to deal with mental health issues (yeah the stuff no-one likes to talk about, let alone deal with).
So guys, if you want to keep going… for longer, get onto the Sons of the West program.
And ladies you know what to do.
Men’s health: find out more
- Sons of the West
- Men’s Health (Better Health Channel) (Better Health Channel website)
- Postnatal depression in men (Raising children network website)