4 Ways to turn your can’ts into cans

Use positive affirmations to achieve the successes you deserve.

Photo: Person jumping on the beach in front of a sunset.

Tell yourself it’s possible!

A lot of the time, we find excuses for things that take more effort to do. Whether or not we want to achieve it, we will find a reason for why it is out of our reach.

Does this sound familiar?

To overcome this, we must begin filling our head with positive affirmations.

The first step to success

Tell yourself it’s possible!!!

Although this might sound strange and even a little weird, this is the first step towards success.

Here are 4 ways to steer yourself away from these negative thoughts and push you towards all the successes you could hope for.

1. The mind is a muscle, so work it hard

Let’s just say one of your goals is to cut back on eating hot chips, but you just keep telling yourself “it’s too hard it’s too hard!”

Boom!! In goes another chip to satisfy your craving…

and the cycle goes on.

Talk to yourself

A great way to help you get through the cravings is by stopping yourself before you grab hold of the chip and ask yourself a few handy questions:

  • “Am I actually hungry or am I just bored?”
  • “How will eating this help my goal?”
  • “Is it worth the frustration afterwards?”

Of course every once in a while it won’t harm you to have a few glasses of wine, or some hot chips.

But the need to change is when it happens regularly.

Say “No”!!!

Try it out the next time a friend offers you their ice cream. Or the next time you walk by an ‘80% off cupcake sale’.

The more you say it, the better you will get at sticking to it.

It won’t always be a black and white process

For some people, the technique of saying “No” will work instantly for everything. But for others it may only work on a few occasions a week.

Stick to it and after about a month, you will really see the difference of your decisions. You’ll see how much easier it has become to say “No”.

2. Don’t think too far into the future

This is one of the worst things you can do.

If you tell yourself you are getting rid of a favourite food forever, you are sure to fail!

Think rich, not poor

Think of it this way. Let’s compare the rich to the poor.

How the rich think

The rich do not worry about sales, or having to buy something before the deal runs out because they have a seemingly endless amount of cash.

So they do not worry about owning as much as they can.

How the poor think

The poor look for the cheapest items and try and buy as much of it as they can, since they don’t know when their supply of cash will end.

The less of something you have, the more you will want it!

So do not tell yourself:

“This is the last time I will ever have this bar of chocolate.”

Instead say:

“I’ll give myself a break from chocolate for a week and see how I go.”

Knowing you only have to go a week without it will make it much easier to slowly cut out almost completely in the future.

3. Track your progress

Whether your progress is towards eating better, losing weight, gaining muscle, or increasing flexibility, it’s always very important to take note of any changes.

You might not see any change at the start. But check back after two months.

Success!! (And doesn’t it feel GREAT!!)

You’ve worked your butt off to get there so know that it’s possible to keep going to your end goal.

4. Surround yourself with positive people

Make sure you have positive and supportive people surrounding you. This makes a huge difference!

If people understand what you are doing, they are less likely to tempt you. They may even join you!!

Good luck!

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