Partner workouts

It can be tough to motivate yourself to go to the gym every week. Getting a great workout partner will make all the difference.

Photo: Man helping a woman with her sit ups.Can’t be bothered going to the gym?

It’s been a long day. You’re tired, hungry and just want to get home and put your feet up on the couch.

You really can’t be bothered training. Running. Or just anything where you have to move!

You are not alone.

You need a friend

Call a friend and tell them to train with you.

Bribe them if you have to.

Just don’t skip the session. Who knows, it may turn out to be fun!

4 Ways to get motivated

1 Find your new training partner

It may take some time finding the right person to train with you, as sometimes people can be unreliable and you definitely don’t want that!

Ask around at work or your friends/family members. You’ll be surprised at how many people would be delighted to have a training partner.

Soon you’ll find your perfect workout partner who is just as dedicated as you are!

2 Organise a time

Setting up your weekly schedule is always a good idea. Coordinate your lives to fit in your sessions.

So you’ll have no excuse not to go to the gym!

3 Push yourself

If you can’t be mothered training, that’s fine. But don’t let your partner down!

They may need you to spot them with heavy weights or just correct their technique.

4 Go even if you don’t feel like training

More often than not, you’ll end up training anyway.

And even if you don’t, your partner will still have you to look out for them!


I’m sure by now you will see why it’s better to train with someone sometimes than to go at it alone.

Don’t give up on finding that motivation. It’ll come easy one day but for now you have to search for it.

Good luck with your training!

Give us a call if you need someone to work out with.

Beyond Fitness Personal Training