20 minute interval training workout

Want to get your heart racing and burn extra calories after you’ve finished training? Here’s a easy and quick workout to get you fit.

Photo: Group of people doing push ups in a park.

Do push ups in a park if you don’t feel like the gym!

Only have a 20 minute break in between the kids coming home and finishing up work/dinner?

Well there is always time for a little exercise! Even if it means waking up earlier,  finding a little time to fit in a workout for a busy schedule is always better than nothing!

In the gym, I’ll often take clients through an interval session. This could mean just getting on the elliptical for 5 minutes and sprinting for 20 seconds out of the minute, and just repeat that for the duration.

Or even mini-circuits involving only three to four exercises and trying to get as many rounds in as possible before the 15 minute mark is up.

This style of training is great because it really gets your heart racing, allowing more calories to be burnt even after you’ve finished training.

So to help you busy bees out there, here’s a a strength + cardio workout that only lasts 20 minutes – trust me, you’ll be sweating by the end of it!


Warm up: 1 minute jumping jacks

  • Pushups
  • Lunges
  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Mountain climbers

Instructions: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times (total of 4 minutes per exercise).

This may seem like a simple little work out (and it is!) but that doesn’t mean it’s easy!

With a workout like this you can take it anywhere (vacations, park, home, gym, friend’s house etc.) And the great thing is, is there is an app on the iPhone (and most likely android too) called “Tabata Timer” which goes perfectly with this workout, so if you own a smart phone download this app and get to it!

Beyond Fitness Personal Training

Download Tabata Timer app