What Food should I eat?

What diet is best for me? Meat-eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? Paleo? Keto? I’m going to start by saying that I’m not a nutritionist or dietitian and if you have any questions about specific dietary requirements it’s always best to seek a professionals help (I know a few good dietitians if anyone needs a recommendation). However I have done nutrition subjects throughout my health science degrees alongside research out of personal interest and conversations with dietitians/ nutritionists that help form my view. I’ve just recently gotten back into the weeds of nutrition to find the ‘optimal’ diet for my health, multiple books, podcasts and scientific studies later I’d share my view on the hot topic of diet. I’m not looking for everyone to agree to with my point of view; I’m merely looking to give guidance to those lost in the world of diet that are constantly asking the question “is this … Read More